The best type of affiliate marketing: What it is and why you need to do it

I always get giddy when I talk about affiliate marketing.

It’s just so darn cool.

You know what I mean?

You don’t?

Okay…fine then. I guess I'll have to convince you.

And I'll do so by telling you about how the best type of affiliate marketing can help you increase the income you’re earning from your food blog (and I know you think that is pretty darn cool).

I want to make sure we’re all on the same page before we jump into my main point for this post, so I’d like to take a moment to share a thrilling short story entitled “A Very Basic Example of Affiliate Marketing.”

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How we increased our blog’s monthly income by over $1,500 without increasing traffic

Traffic represents tangible numbers that allow you to easily see how your blog is performing, but it’s only half the battle when it comes to monetizing your blog.

Yes, you need to be smart about ways to increase traffic to your blog. You also need to be smart about ways to increase your effectiveness at monetizing the traffic that is already coming to your blog.

The good news is that this doesn’t require you to squeeze every last penny from your blog readers by showing more ads or pitching more products. Quite the opposite, actually. You want to be squeezing every last penny from the advertisers and affiliates you work with so you don’t have to show more ads and pitch more products to your readers.

In this post I’m going to share an example of a change we made with Pinch of Yum to increase our monthly income by over $1,500. I'll also share how this information impacted the way we structure payments for Food Blogger Pro affiliate program.

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5 ways to make more money from your food blog

{image5}If you’re making a dollar from your food blog, you could probably be making two. If you’re making $100, you could probably be making $200. If you’re making $1,000, you could probably be making $2,000. I could keep going with that, but I’m guessing you get the point: you’re probably not maximizing the earning potential from your blog.

It’s easy to increase your blog’s income by adding additional ad units, writing spammy posts with lots of affiliate links, or pitching unrelated or untested products to your readers. That might get you a short-term income boost, but it will also zap any trust that you’ve established with your readers and crush the quality that you’ve worked so hard to establish with your brand. Not a good long-term plan.

The focus with increasing the money you make from your blog should be on finding ways to increase your income without degrading the quality of your site, which is what we’re going to focus on in this post.

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Don’t Track Yourself: How to Block Yourself from Google Analytics


Google Analytics is an awesome tool for bloggers. Here are three reasons why:

  1. It’s free.
  2. It’s packed with a ton of useful information.
  3. It’s fun to look at (especially if you ♥ data).

Here’s the thing though: Google Analytics isn’t so awesome if the data it provides is inaccurate. If your Google Analytics data is inaccurate it’s usually because (1) something is off with the tracking code, as FBP member Rachel recently shared on the community forum, or because (2) you haven’t taken measures to make sure that you’re not tracking yourself.

We’re going to talk about that second issue in today’s blog post.

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A Huge SEO Tip That Most Food Bloggers Miss

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important concept to understand as you grow your food blog. Many people understand the basic concept of SEO and are applying those basic ideas to their blog, so the challenge for bloggers is finding tips and tricks that are specific to their niche that other people aren't already doing. These niche specific SEO tips are what help give one blog an edge over another blog when it comes to ranking high in search engines.

Today I'd like to share one of those niche specific, high impact SEO tips with you. The content that I'm writing about today will be specific to food blogs, but the general process could be used by other types of blogs.

The screenshot below shows the point where we started using this SEO tip with Pinch of Yum (August 15th, 2013) and the growth of organic search traffic that has happened since that date.

The direct effect from one SEO change is hard to track, but I’m confident that the tip I’ll share today will positively impact the overall SEO of your food blog.

Before I share the tip I want to talk about a general business concept. In order to do so we’ll need to reflect back to the music scene in the year 2000.

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The Food Blogger Pro Affiliate Program

We're beyond excited to let you know that the Food Blogger Pro affiliate program has officially launched! Before I explain more about the program I wanted to say a big thanks to the team that helped make sure that every pixel was in place and every line of code written perfectly.

These were really incredible people to work with and we couldn't have done it without them.

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Member Survey and the FBP Forum

Good news from Food Blogger Pro! We're almost ready to launch the FBP forum.

Before we launch the forum, we want to get to know you a little bit better and give you an opportunity to get to know other members, so we put together a simple get-to-know-you survey.

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Tips for using Food Blogger Pro

Food Blogger Pro is officially two weeks old!

Over the past 14 days, videos on Food Blogger Pro have been played over 4,000 times by 175 different members in 26 different countries. Pretty cool.

In order to celebrate our two week birthday we put together some simple tips to help you maximize your Food Blogger Pro membership.

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