New Course: Selling Your eBook

Good morning, Food Blogger Pro fam! It’s time for a new and improved course today! 🎉

The wonderful Alexa recently updated our Selling Your eBook Course and it’s filled with everything you need to know about how to sell an eBook or other digital product. 📚

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New Course: Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 against a blue background and text that reads 'New Course: Google Analytics'

Hello, hello all you wonderful FBPers! Are you ready for a brand-new Google Analytics course with info on how to set up Google Analytics 4?!

We hope you are because it’s officially live on Food Blogger Pro today! We’ve been working on this ✨ new and improved ✨ course for a few months now, and we’re so excited to share it with you.

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New Course: Pinterest

Blue graphic of Pinterest feed that reads 'New Course: Pinterest' with Food Blogger Pro logo

Oh hi! Guess what?

We just published our ✨ new and improved ✨ course all about Pinterest!

Over the past few years, Pinterest has introduced a lot of new features, so we wanted to completely update our Pinterest course to give you the most up-to-date strategies and tips to help you grow your presence on the platform.

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