New Course: Composition for Food Photography

Exciting news! Today we are releasing a new course in the Food Photography module that includes 12 lessons on composition. It’s called Composition for Food Photography.

Why composition? What’s the big deal?

Does anyone really care about the arrangement of props and food items in a photo?


When I first started taking pictures of my food for Pinch of Yum, the concept of composition was such a mystery to me.

I thought that the arrangement of food and props in food photography was a completely artistic process that was only for the super creative food photographers of the world. I didn’t think that it was possible for me (a self-perceived non-artsy person) to learn composition in simple steps, like a skill.

Maybe even more importantly, I didn’t understand that this one simple thing – composition, or the arrangement and layout of my photograph – was an element of photography that could make my food photos go from blah to eye-poppingly yummy.

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What’s the Best Way to Make Money from a Food Blog: Ads or Products?

Have you ever wondered how food bloggers make money? Well, you’re not alone!

We are going to breakdown the best monetization strategy to focus on for creating an income from your food blog.

Both ads and products are useful when you’re trying to create an income from your food blog, but you need to make sure that you’re not using both at the same time.

That last part is important: make sure that you’re not using both at the same time.

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Meet Beth, Food Blogger Pro’s Community Happiness Specialist


Fun post!

Lindsay and I would like to introduce you to Beth Hornback, Food Blogger Pro’s brand new Community Happiness Specialist.

Many Food Blogger Pro members probably already know Beth from her active presence on the community forum. She’s been a member of Food Blogger Pro for over one year now and has already contributed over 400 posts to the community forum.

As a matter of fact, Beth was the first Food Blogger Pro member to reach the (honorable but strangely named) “Fellow” status on the community forum after posting more than 250 times.

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New Course: Artificial Lighting for Food Photography

For as long as I’ve been taking pictures of food, I’ve believed that beautiful food photography requires natural light.

But here’s the question – does it really?

What I’m finding is that even as a full-time blogger who has access to natural light all day long, the quality of natural light is always unpredictable. We live in Minnesota (don’t even get me started on the whys), and the natural light in the winter months is… well, I’m looking out the window right now and everything is just sort of a murky grey.

Over the last few years I’ve felt like there had to be a better way than waiting around all day for those three minutes of perfect natural light.

And I have good news – there is a better way!

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Food Blogger Pro is Hiring!

Update (2.24.15): This position has been filled. Congratulations Beth!

Over the past two years, Food Blogger Pro has grown to over 800 members. As the community continues to grow, we want to make sure that members receive the highest level of service, which is why we’re hiring a Community Happiness Specialist.

It’s a unique position that requires a unique personality.

The primary role of this person? You guessed it: community happiness.

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Overcoming the Resistance

I’m convinced that the #1 issue that people face with building a blog (or any creative endeavor, really) is The Resistance.

It’s not a lack of time, it’s not a lack of knowledge, and it’s not a lack of skill.

It’s The Resistance.


Here’s how Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, describes it:

Resistance comes as a voice in our heads. The voice tells us not to work today and it gives us a reason. Our daughter’s dance recital starts at seven; this headache is killing us; the boss wants us to organize the Penske file.

Sound familiar? I know it does for me. I’m fighting that voice right now.

“You’re in Chicago, Bjork. You can write the post when you get back home…”

“It’s New Year’s Eve…”

“You’re heading out in an hour. It’s not worth it to start now. You’ll have a good chunk of time on the car ride home, you can do it then…”

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How to Backup Google Apps with Backupify

There are many things I love in this world.

For example, I love…

I’d love to talk about all of these things in this post, but I understand that you’re probably here to learn about those last two items: Google Apps and backup plans.


This post is a sequel to the 4 ways you should be backing up your computer and blog that I wrote back in May. If you haven’t read that post yet I’d encourage you to check it out after you’re done reading this.

So let’s talk about those last two items in my list of loves. First, Google Apps.

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How to have an organized desktop

I worked for four years as "the I.T. guy" at a local non-profit, which means that I saw lots of different computer desktops.

Call me crazy, but I found it really interesting. 


There were two things I noticed when working on computers:

  1. People would almost always have a random array of files and folders on their desktop.
  2. People would almost always say something along the lines of "please don't judge my messy desktop."

So, while people usually didn't have an organized desktop, they realized that they probably should.

The good news is that it's not that hard! Here's how:

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