Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Food Blog

A screenshot of the Add a Post page on WordPress with the title of this article, 'Why You Should Choose WordPress for Your Food Blog'

When you want to start a food blog, one of the most important first decisions you need to make is which platform you’re going to use to build your blog.

If you think of your food blog like your cell phone, your blogging platform acts like an operating system (iOS, Android, etc.). You need a place for your content – your posts, your images, your pages – to live. And that place is your blogging platform (also called a Content Management System or CMS).

There are a bunch of different options available to bloggers these days, but we prefer WordPress. It’s what we use for our food blog, Pinch of Yum, and it’s actually the platform we use to run this membership site.

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New Course: Republishing Content

a screenshot of the Republishing Content course lessons on Food Blogger Pro

Hello! Team FBP! Back with another brand new food blogging course we know you’re going to love.

One of the biggest trends in food blogging these past few months is republishing old content, i.e. taking previously published posts and making them stronger and more optimized so that they rank higher in search results and are more helpful for your readers.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the release of our new course, Republishing Content!

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New Course: Inbox Zero for Gmail

A screenshot of gmail at Inbox Zero

Oh hi! Guess what?

We have a brand new mini course that will help you manage your inbox like a pro. 💪

That’s right, friends. We refreshed our Inbox Zero for Gmail course with new strategies and tips that will help you keep your email under control.

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New Course: Negotiating With Brands & New Tool: Brand Email Template

A screenshot of the Negotiating with Brands mini course on Food Blogger Pro with a photo of Danielle Liss

🎺 Bah bah bah bah bah bah bahhhhh 🎺

We’re breaking out all the stops today because it’s not only new course day here at FBP HQ…we’re also launching a new tool! Think of them as a holiday gift from us to you. 🎁

They both will help you work with brands, which is a topic we get loads of questions about on the Food Blogger Pro forum.

And it makes sense: working with brands as a small business owner can be confusing. There are contracts to review, pitch emails to send, guidelines to follow, and money to track.

So today’s new course-new tool combo is designed to make sponsored content a little easier and straightforward. Let’s dig in:

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Our Membership Site Migration from ExpressionEngine to WordPress: Discovery

Webster’s Dictionary defines Discovery as…

Just kidding. 😊Hi! And welcome to Part 2 of our blog series on Food Blogger Pro’s migration to WordPress. 

If you want to get caught up, be sure to check out Part 1 here to learn more about our decision to move from ExpressionEngine to WordPress. 

Today we’re talking about Discovery. Aka. The first step in our five-part migration process!

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New Course: Blogging as a Business

the Blogging as a Business course lessons on Food Blogger Pro

Hey hey hey! New course day!

Today’s new course has been on my bucket list since I started here at FBP 3+ years ago. We talk about monetization a lot on Food Blogger Pro, but there are a lot of considerations and decisions to make when you decide you want to make money from your blog.

Enter: today’s new Blogging as a Business course!

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Our Membership Site Migration from ExpressionEngine to WordPress

Hello hello hello! And welcome to our part one of our four-part blog series on Food Blogger Pro’s migration to WordPress!

Well…let’s back up.

If you’ve been around Food Blogger Pro for at least a few months, you’ll know that we recently moved our entire site from a CMS (that’s customer management system) called ExpressionEngine to the CMS we all know and love, WordPress.

This was a huge project that we’ve been chipping away at for years. Since we relaunched Food Blogger Pro on WordPress in April, we’re ready to share our story with you, our lovely readers!

Over the next four blog posts, we’ll publish the story of how we went from saying, “Man, it would be great to run Food Blogger Pro on WordPress one day,” to having a stable, thriving WordPress-based membership site. We’ll focus on the processes and systems that we used to take this project from start to finish (and beyond!).

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