029: The Phases of Pinch of Yum with Bjork & Lindsay Ostrom

Welcome to episode 29 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This is a special edition of the FBP podcast featuring… you guessed it! Bjork and Lindsay Ostrom.

It’s always so interesting to hear about the stories people have with their blogs – when they started, how they got going, what keeps them inspired.

However, it’s pretty rare to get a full breakdown of all the phases that the blog and the blogger(s) went through from day 1. Usually the stories talk about the beginning, and then the present.

But today, Bjork and Lindsay sit down together (literally) and talk about the 4 distinct stages Pinch of Yum went through up until today. It’s just so interesting. And if you listen alllll they way through to the end, they also have some cutesy married-couple moments that I distinctly decided not to edit out. It’s adorbs.

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028: How to Boost Your Blog’s SEO with Casey Markee from Media Wyse

Welcome to episode 28 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! We are starting the new year off strong with a podcast all about optimizing your blog so that you can show up higher in search results.

SEO can sound like a really scary acronym – what does it even mean, and how can I make it work for me?! But fear not, because even though it can be pretty complex to master, it can also be pretty easy to get started with.

Casey Markee from Media Wyse specializes in boosting SEO for food blogs. He kind of fell into this niche by accident, and by now has worked with 50+ bloggers to help them rank higher in search. In this interview, he and Bjork talk about some of the really quick and easy things you can do to improve your blog’s SEO, as well as some of the higher-level stuff that can give you an extra SEO boost.

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027: Committing to a Niche and Building a Brand with Ali Maffucci from Inspiralized

Welcome to episode 27 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This is the last episode of 2015 – crazy! This week on the podcast, Bjork is talking with Ali Maffucci from Inspiralized!

When most bloggers start out, committing to a specific niche can seem scary – we don’t want to turn anyone away from our new blog! However, finding a small niche that you are really passionate about can help propel your blog into success.

Ali Maffucci has certainly found a small niche with Inspiralized. She posts recipes that all use a spiralizer, and she loves it! She’s been featured in many magazines, has her own product to sell, and has really captured the love and attention of fellow spiralizers.

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026: How Pinterest Analytics can Boost your Blog with Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media

Welcome to episode 26 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week marks the 6th month anniversary of the FBP podcast – so exciting! We’ve learned so much in the last 6 months, and we’ve really loved sharing it with all of you. Thank you thank you for being our loyal subscriber!

This week on the podcast, Bjork is talking with Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media about Pinterest!

For most bloggers (myself included), Pinterest Analytics are really just used as a comparison tool – how the blog did this week versus last week. However, Kate from Simple Pin Media specializes in digging deep into Pinterest Analytics to really see what works – and then she coaches her clients on how to use that information to grow their blogs.

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025: How to Connect with Influencers with John Corcoran from Smart Business Revolution

Welcome to episode 25 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork talks with John Corcoran from Smart Business Revolution about connecting with influencers.

Growing your blog can be tough – aside from all the cooking, photographing, and writing, you also have to figure out how to get your name out there. John Corcoran argues that connecting with influencers and growing your relationships with them can be one of the best ways to get your name out there.

So how do you do it? Listen in as John shares his personal experiences with networking, his best tips to meet influencers, and why you should rank peoples’ importance from a business standpoint.

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024: How to Find Balance in Blogging with Ali Ebright from Gimme Some Oven

I am SO excited about this week’s episode because it goes over some really important things that I think all bloggers need to hear. This week, Bjork talked with Ali Ebright from Gimme Some Oven about finding balance in the busy world of blogging.

We all know what it feels like to feel totally overwhelmed about all the things we "need" to do – and excel at – as bloggers. First it’s cooking, then web administration, and photography, then social media, Twitter parties, monetization, writing… and the list goes on!

But in today’s episode, Ali shares her best advice for bloggers – and it includes slowing down and taking some time for yourself.

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023: Building a Team for your Online Business with Melissa Lanz from The Fresh 20

Welcome to the 23rd episode of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! These numbers are getting pretty big… in just 3 more episodes that means we’ll have been making podcast episodes for half a year! So crazy. On to the episode!

This week, Bjork had a conversation with Melissa Lanz, the CEO and founder of The Fresh 20, a meal planning service. They talk a little bit about what her business does, and a LOT about how her business does it.

Melissa Lanz wasn’t always an entrepreneur. In fact, she started out as a "miserable, but comfortable" corporate worker making well over $100k per year. So she started her own business – and it grew to the point that she simply couldn’t do it all on her own.

So, she hired some help. And in the years since, she’s become a master at hiring, firing, running her online business, and helping others do the same.

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022: Sponsored Content from a Brand’s Perspective with Zach Tackett from DeLallo

Hello hello! We’re back at it this week on the FBP Podcast and we’re talking with Zach Tackett from DeLallo about sponsored content from the brand’s perspective.

It’s the ultimate food blogger goal – to get paid to use a brand’s product in a recipe you post on your website. What could be cooler?!

The tough part can be actually finding the brands that you want to work with – and who want to work with you, too. Fortunately, Zach Tackett from DeLallo Foods met up with Bjork and Lindsay to talk about exactly what brands are looking for in bloggers, what the process looks like, and what to expect.

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021: How to Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free with Amy Lynn Andrews

Welcome to another week of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This episode, Bjork and Lindsay talk with Amy Lynn Andrews about time management.

If I were to guess, I would say that the most common question we get from our members is, "How do I manage my time when there are so many things to do?!?" And yes, it usually comes with two question marks and at least one exclamation point – this question is usually posed by those feeling overwhelmed and at a point of desperation.

Finding the time to do all of the things you want to do can be really tough, especially when everybody and their mother is telling you about the next coolest thing you just HAVE to do to make your blog readership grow.

Fortunately, Amy Lynn Andrews has been doing this blogging stuff for quite a while now, and she has some great tips to share with all of us who are struggling to prioritize and fit it all in.

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020: How to Secure Your Food Blog with Andrew Wilder from Blog Tutor

Welcome back to the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Andrew Wilder from Blog Tutor about blog security.

When you’re starting and maintaining your food blog, there are so many things to do. From getting your website designed just right to making that batch of double chocolate cookies 5 times to make it perfect, a food blogger pretty much always has a full plate (har har).

So when someone tells you that you should take some of your precious, precious time and use it to create strong passwords and back up your blog, I’ll admit that I’m not the first person to jump up and down in excitement.

However, these things are so, so important. It only takes one small event – which are often caused by factors out of your control – to bring your blog down. And if you don’t have it all backed up, you could lose all of your hard work just like that.

Andrew Wilder specializes in blog security, and today he’s here to tell us what we need to do to make sure our blogs are safe from both intentional and unintentional harm.

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