047.5: Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment!

Welcome to episode 47.. and a half of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this special bonus edition, Bjork tells the story of why he and Lindsay started Food Blogger Pro, and how it has grown to help thousands of members start and grow their food blogs.

But first…

Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment!

It’s the thing we’ve all been waiting for! We’ve had so many people email us asking when FBP would finally be open for enrollment again. And to our great happiness, the time has come!

We’ll be accepting new members to Food Blogger Pro today, May 24, through Thursday, June 2 at midnight CST.

–> Click here to sign up! <–

We are so excited to be bringing some new members on board. We love, love our Food Blogger Pro family, and we’re so excited to be growing it once again.

Alright, now about that story. If you ever wondered why Bjork and Lindsay started Food Blogger Pro and what that was like for them, then listen in as Bjork takes a trip down memory lane. He also talks about the benefits of being a Food Blogger Pro member, from the video library to the community forum, the access to industry experts to the special deals & discounts. It’s pretty great, if I may so so myself!

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047: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results with Jay Papasan

Welcome to episode 47 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork interviews Jay Papasan, coauthor of the New York Times Bestseller The ONE Thing.

If you’re anything like I am, there are always more things to do than we have time for, and prioritizing what to work on every day can be really tough. As a result, we’re pulled in so many different directions working on different projects that we find it really difficult to make any measurable progress on any one thing.

If this describes you, you are not alone. Jay Papasan and Gary Keller discovered that this was a problem that faced so many of their employees and coworkers at the Keller Williams Realty group. After Gary worked for years with his employees to help them discover the things they should be focusing on, he and Jay, a NYT bestselling book editor, came together to write a book about it, called The ONE Thing.

Today, Jay joins Bjork in an interview that is sure to change the way you are thinking about your projects and priorities.

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046: How Kate Kordsmeier Doubled Her Income with Freelancing

Welcome to episode 46 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Kate Kordsmeier from the blog Root & Revel about her successful freelance writing career.

While many of us dream about the days when we could find enough success with our blogs that we could write for magazines like Cooking Light and Conde Nast Traveler, Kate’s already been-there-done-that. With a little experience in copywriting and a lot of drive, Kate was able to quit her full-time job and double her income with freelance writing – before she ever had a food blog.

In this interview, Kate shares a lot of tips and tricks she’s learned along the way so that you, too, can try your hand at freelance writing.

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045: How to Use Facebook Ads to Reach the Right People with Tony Rulli from IntentionalSpark.com

Welcome to episode 45 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork interviews Tony Rulli from Intentional Spark about advertising on Facebook.

In today’s day and age, the internet can be really noisy. There are ads all over the place for products you may or may not be interested in, all sorts of conpanies asking you to buy their products, and more and more things to look at every day.

So what makes you pay attention to the few things that catch your eye? A lot of the time, what makes you pay attention is relevancy – the thing that caught your eye has something to do with you and solves a problem you already have.

So, if you’re selling a product, promoting your company, or just wanting to get the word out, the best way to get people to pay attention is to target the right people in the first place.

While this sounds complicated, Facebook actually makes it pretty easy! Listen in to today’s podcast with Tony Rulli to learn how to leverage Facebook’s powerful remarketing tools to help you create an income from your blog.

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044: Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing with Justine Grey

Welcome to episode 44 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork talks with Justine Grey about how low-traffic bloggers can make an income through affiliate marketing.

Many bloggers wonder how they can make an income from their blog when they don’t have a lot of traffic. As we all know, ads pay per impression (or click), and sometimes it takes a lot of impressions to get the dollars to add up.

However, bloggers with lower traffic numbers still can make money with their blogs. How? With affiliate marketing! By sharing the products they love with their readers, smaller bloggers are able to earn commissions on those products and start earning an income sooner.

Justine Grey is an affiliate marketing guru, and she is here today to tell us all about the world of affiliate marketing.

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043: How Tieghan Gerard used Photography, Recipe Development, and Hustle to Build Half Baked Harvest

Welcome to episode 43 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork is bringing on an oft-requested guest, Tieghan Gerard from Half Baked Harvest!

We occasionally ask in the podcast for guest requests – bloggers or other inspiring individuals that our listeners would like to hear from. One person who came up quite a few times was fellow FBP member, Tieghan Gerard.

When I think of bloggers who inspire me for photography, Tieghan is definitely near the top of the list. I’ve often thought about what makes her photography so special, and in this podcast episode I finally learned what it is: mood.

When Tieghan heads into a photo shoot, the first thing she thinks about is the mood that she wants to set in the photo. How will this dish make the viewer feel? And how can I portray that with a photograph? Tieghan talks about her photography process and how she sets a mood as well as a lot of other awesome info in this great podcast episode.

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042: Building a Successful Bilingual Blog with Clotilde Dusoulier of Chocolate & Zucchini

Welcome to episode 42 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! Today, Bjork interviews Clotilde Dusoulier from the popular food blog Chocolate & Zucchini about running a bilingual blog.

Many of our Food Blogger Pro members reign from places all over the world where English might not be the primary language. This presents a bit of a difficult decision for these bloggers – what language should they use to blog?

Clotilde from Chocolate & Zucchini decided to not even make that decision a while back. Instead, she chose to blog in both languages, and today you’ll find both an English and a French version on her long-standing website. In this episode, she talks about why she blogs in both languages and what that looks like from a process standpoint, as well as how she manages to stay relevant after being in the blogging game for over a decade.

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041: Ninja Email Marketing for Bloggers with Barry Moore from The Active Marketer

Welcome to episode 41 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, talks with Barry Morre, an expert in email marketing.

Have you ever received an email and thought “Wow! That was just what I needed to hear right now. How did they know?”

To put it simply, whoever sent that email to you at the exact time you needed to hear it is practicing something called Ninja Email Marketing, and it’s definitely something you want to get familiar with real quick.

In this episode, Barry Moore from TheActiveMarketer.com talks about some ninja techniques for email marketing and how they can change the way you see your website visitors and customers – and how they see you.

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040: How to Monetize a Podcast from Day 1 with Allison & Suzy from the Food Heals Podcast

Welcome to episode 40 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork interviews a couple podcasters about… podcasting!

Most of the time when we talk about food media, we immediately think of food blogging. We are Food Blogger Pro, after all! However, there definitely are other mediums out there that are just as effective at reaching your potential audience, and one of these is podcasting.

Allison & Suzy started their Food Heals podcast less than a year ago and are already helping people, reaching their ideal audience, and finding huge success in the podcasting arena. They’re also making money at it. In fact, Allison & Suzy started to monetize their podcast from day one. Listen in on this episode to learn how they’ve created such great success and made podcasting a part of their business.

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039: 12 Ways to Overcome Online Jealousy with Lindsay Ostrom from Pinch of Yum

Welcome to episode 39 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Lindsay (yes, that Lindsay) about online jealousy.

There’s a big green monster in the room and no one really wants to talk about it. That monster is Jealousy, and it’s something every one of us experiences from time to time.

Jealousy can be difficult to overcome, and it can even ruin you day if not controlled. Lindsay recently experienced this when she saw someone had made a video similar to one she was in the process of making. Once she realized what was going on, she took a step back and decided to think about some techniques she could use to overcome this jealousy. She took those thoughts and put them into words in a blog post on Pinch of Yum.

Because this is such an important topic, Bjork asked if Lindsay could come on the podcast to talk a little more in-depth about the 12 different techniques you can use to overcome online (or offline) jealousy.

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