
I feel so fortunate to have discovered Food Blogger Pro before I actually began building my blog. In a relatively short period of time, I was able to learn so much about social media strategies, Pinterest, SEO, WordPress, and monetizing one’s blog thanks to all of the amazing courses and resources FBP offers, not to mention the incredible community forums for all those random questions you have!

I also want to give special acknowledgement to Lindsay’s photography courses, which basically taught me everything I know about food photography. The thing I am most often complemented on with my blog, The Bespoke Bites, are my photographs, and I feel I owe a HUGE part of that to Lindsay!

If it were not for this incredible community Bjork and Lindsay have built, I would probably still be sitting on the sidelines in fear, not knowing where to start, and The Bespoke Bites would be nothing more than an idea.

If you’re a food blogger, or dreaming of becoming one, I highly encourage you to join Food Blogger Pro- it has been the single best investment I’ve made in myself thus far!