New Course: Understanding Changes in Search Traffic

Hello, hello, hello! Can you believe we just hit publish on our LAST course of the year? 🤯

And we’re extra excited because it’s a brand-new course all about Understanding Changes in Search Traffic!

If you’ve ever felt frustrated by a traffic dip or wondered why it was even happening in the first place, you won’t want to miss this course.

Blue graphic of Google Search Console that reads 'New Course: Understanding Changes in Search Traffic' with Food Blogger Pro logo

There’s no doubt about it: traffic changes (both increases and decreases!) happen to all food bloggers. Sometimes it’s easy to tell what’s causing the change, while other times you have to do a bit more digging to figure out what’s going on.

And while there are lots of different kinds of traffic swings (think social traffic, email traffic, etc.), we’re focusing specifically on changes in search traffic in this course.

Because once you start to understand what’s affecting your traffic, you can use that knowledge to level up your content strategy, avoid traffic dips in the future, and even increase your traffic over time.

Screenshot of the Understanding Changes in Search Traffic course on Food Blogger Pro

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • Why changes in traffic might happen
  • How to analyze those changes
  • What tools you can use to analyze your traffic patterns
  • How to deal with changes in traffic
  • And more!

It’s an incredible course that will give you all the tools you need to analyze and address any traffic changes that come your way. Huge thanks to Alexa for tag-teaming this course with me! We really hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Check out the full Understanding Changes in Search Traffic course here.

🎉 As a reminder, Food Blogger Pro courses and tools are available for all Food Blogger Pro members. If you used to be a member, you can rejoin by following these instructions. If you’re not a member, you can join and get instant access to this course, as well as all of our other courses for food bloggers, today! 🎉

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