New Course: Made by FBP

Happy New Course Day! aka. one of my favorite days of the month.

If you’re new ’round these parts, welcome! We publish a brand new course for our members every single month, and this month’s new course is kinda special.

It’s a Made by FBP course where four of our team members unpacked some of the biggest questions you had about blogging. Here were the results:

Alexa Peduzzi's post in the FBP forum titled 'WE NEED YOUR HELP! April's new course'

So we took the three most popular results (handling social media sharing, running a blog while working full-time, and handling the tech side of blogging), and turned them into an epic, four-part course!

Here are the topics we’re covering:

Screenshot of Google Drive with Bjork Ostrom shown talking

My Top Three Apps for Remote Teams

In this course, our fearless leader, Bjork, chats about the three essential tools in our remote company that help it run like a well-oiled machine. They help us keep in contact with one another, keep our files in one place, and keep our tasks organized.

And the good news: these tools can still be used if you’re flyin’ solo!

Schedule table with days of the week and various tasks listed under each day

Work – Life – Blog Balance

Yours truly is diving into balancing your life when it seems like you just have too much on your plate. Your blog is important, but so is making an income from your full-time job and spending time with loved ones.

So how do you balance it all? I have some ideas. 🙂

Blue slide with general rules for permalinks listed

Changing Permalinks

WP Tasty Lead Raquel is covering a popular topic we’ve seen recently on the forums: changing your permalink structure. She’s the first to admit that it probably shouldn’t be done because it can cause more problems than it fixes, and you may need the help of a developer to make sure it’s done correctly.

That said, there’s a certain situation where changing your permalink structure might make sense, and Raquel will teach you what that is and how to do it.

Screenshot of Food Blogger Pro Instagram feed

How to Use Sprout Social + Other Social Media Tips

Our newest team member and Social Media Manager, Abby, is talking all about the social media tool we recently started using at Food Blogger Pro: Sprout Social. It’s a really powerful tool that’s great for teams and individuals alike, and we think you’ll love learning about how you can make it work for your blog.

Not only that, but you’ll also get some quick tips for elevating your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles. Three cheers for upping your social media game!

We think you’re going to love this mega course, friends. Enjoy!

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