New Course: How to Write Recipes

Oh, hey there! Y’all ready for this!? 🎉

We’re so excited because we JUST hit publish on a brand new course all about how to write recipes.

If you develop and share recipes on your blog, then this course is for you!

Screenshot of How to Write Recipes course on Food Blogger Pro

I don’t know about you, but when I first started writing my own recipes, I had no idea what I was doing.

There are so many important factors to keep in mind—how many times should you test a recipe before sharing it, what’s the best way to order ingredients in a recipe, and how do you correctly give credit where credit’s due?

We’re covering all of that (and more!) in this course.

Screenshot of recipe creation process in Tasty Recipes

In this course you’ll learn:

  • How to find inspiration for recipes
  • What standardized recipes are
  • Best practices when testing recipes
  • The difference between weight and volume measurements
  • How to properly attribute your recipes
  • How FBP members develop their own recipes
  • How to share recipes on your blog
  • And more!

It’s a great course jam-packed with practical tips and advice for all of you creating your own recipes, and we’re really excited to bring it to the FBP community. Enjoy!

Check out the full How to Write Recipes course here.

🎉 As a reminder, Food Blogger Pro courses and tools are available for all Food Blogger Pro members. If you used to be a member, you can rejoin by following these instructions. If you’re not a member, you can join today! 🎉

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