Food Content Trends in August

Blue graphic of jars that reads "Food Content Trends in August" with the Food Blogger Pro logo.

Hello, friends! It’s that time again when we take a look at what’s trending in the food blogging space in August.

These posts are designed to outline some of the trending ingredients and search terms in the coming month so that you’re all prepped and ready to create awesome, click-worthy content on your blog.

You’ll notice that there’s a very strong theme to the searches happening in August, so this is a really great opportunity to curate content that resonates with those searchers. Any ideas what it might be?

Ready to find out? Let’s jump in.


Back-to-school searches peak this month, and it’s not hard to imagine why!

Google Trends results for back to school.

Readers are searching for easy, quick dinners, inspiration for packed lunches, or ways to effectively manage time when it seems a lot more limited. You can support your readers with your content during the back to school season.


Okay, this trend kind of cracks me up.

You know what happens at the end of each summer: you have a literal mountain of zucchini to use up before it goes bad. And unsurprisingly, your readers are looking for ways to use it up.

Google Trends results for zucchini recipes.

There are so many zucchini fritter, bread, noodle, and muffin recipes out there. Try jazzing it up a bit to help your content get seen and shared.

What if you added a Nutella swirl to your zucchini bread? Or you could create the perfect summer-fall hybrid breakfast: zucchini pumpkin muffins! Or maybe you could find a way to use up all of your readers’ leftover summer produce — the ultimate summer veggie hash, anyone?!

Use that noggin of yours to really create something that will stand out.


These red, juicy fruits are trending this month! And for good reason: they’re at the peak of their season in August!

Honestly, it doesn’t get much better than a thick, salty tomato slice on top of some warm bread in the summer, but try thinking of some creative ways to use this trending fruit.

Marinated tomatoes.

Use them as a cup for dip! Use them in end-of-summer salads! Use them in a toasty roasted tomato sauce for fall! Tomatoes are so versatile; I’m sure you’ll find a delicious way to use them.


Along those same lines, canning starts its upward trend in August.

And it totally makes sense; readers want to find ways to preserve all of the yummy summer produce they’ve picked, grown, and/or bought. Canning always intimidates me, so I’d love to see an easy-to-follow canning post full of tips and tricks to make my first canning experience as easy as possible.

Another idea? Host “Canning Week” on your blog and feature your favorite canning recipes like jams, salsas, preserves, and pickled veggies. Or you could team up with some of your blogging friends and link to each others’ canning recipes throughout the month. External link building at its finest!

Google Trends results for canning.

One last thought: one of my favorite tools on Google Trends is the little “Related Topics” section at the bottom of each page to show you what else is trending with your original search term.

Related topics for canning.

Upcoming Holidays

August is summer’s last hurrah, and people are already starting to search for fall and — dare I say — winter holidays.

Labor Day this year falls on September 2, but readers will be searching for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas content before you know it!

And for those around the world…

While it is warm and muggy in the U.S. in August, those in the Southern Hemisphere are in the middle of winter!

Why not post a comforting soup or casserole recipe on your blog this month? These recipes will appeal to your readers living in colder climates, and get you ahead of schedule for the crisp Fall weather on the horizon.

We wanna know: Which of these trending searches are you most excited to tackle this month? Which do you think will resonate the most with your readers?

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  1. This is a great resource for the upcoming month. Thanks so much for putting it together for us! I’m excited to focus on all these topics and build up my close-to-non-existent blog! lol

    1. Busy, but exciting! Quarter 4 (aka. the last three months of the year) can be really busy for food bloggers because we have a ton of different food-centric holidays to create content for, but it’s also a great opportunity to get those numbers up and share seasonal content.

      Good luck!

  2. Exact stuff what I want for the next food blog, Thanks, Alexa. Your overall observations, suggestions, and tips will help me in creating good content. Thanks again for this quality content. Will you give us tips on how to add images in blogs to attract more people? Thanks.

  3. We jump on the Labor Day one! We have a roundup of 60 or so grilling recipes that tends to due well. Not big into Halloween but do like fall food in general. Also working on Hatch Chile roundup which is seasonal. Any FBPers that have something for it should reach out!

  4. Hi Alexa – Is there a link on ‘how to use google trends’? When I want to know what food dishes or recipes trending now, what search term do I enter to see that? “popular recipes”. I understand how if you enter a search term Zucchini you can see how it trends over the year – but I’m wondering how to find out just broadly what’s currently popular. Thank you!!

  5. I always love these posts thank you for putting them together it really helps! I think I’ll convert my popular roasted tomato marinara post to block editor and spruce it up a bit and re-publish. And I guess that instant pot beef stew I’ve been working on might be a good publish in August as people head into fall. It’s easy, tasty, pretty classic and can be frozen ahead with a lot of readers appreciate. Nice for school lunches too!

    1. We’re so glad you’ve been enjoying these posts, Sally! I’m all about a delicious beef stew on a cool fall day, and it’s even better if you can freeze it ahead of time. 🙌🏻

  6. Thank you for this article, it is super helpful. Being Canadian, our Thanksgiving is earlier, October 11, so it’s something I will be working on in August along with Back to School and Labour Day, last long weekend of BBQ.

    1. Thanks for reading, Stacy! And great point about Canadian Thanksgiving — I can’t believe it’s already coming up so soon. The year is flying by for sure!