Little Things, Big Results

This post is about Little Things.

In staying true to its theme, it’s a little post.

Building a successful blog (or business or non-profit) doesn’t happen by doing Big Things. It happens by doing hundreds of Little Things that lead to Big Results.

That’s certainly been the case with Food Blogger Pro and Pinch of Yum. Progress and growth have come because of the culmination of lots of Little Things done each and every day that have added up over time.

The issue is that oftentimes we think Little Things are Big Things. We think they take longer than they actually do, will be harder than they actually are, or would be better to do tomorrow (you know…when we have more time to dedicate to it).

The Little Thing grows deep roots in our “to do” list.

We think about it. We talk about it. We tell people that we’re going to do it.

But we don’t.

But the Little Thing is just that. A Little Thing.

So what’s the big deal with Little Things? Why do they stick around so long?

Because of The Start. Starting is the hardest part about Little Things.

But the beautiful thing about The Start is that it’s the best way to see that a Big Thing is actually a Little Thing, and once you finish the Little Thing you’ll be one step closer to Big Results.

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  1. Hi Bjork. I’ve been following both of your blogs for quite a while and love them! This is a great post and what you share is true. I do hundreds of little things throughout my day/week/month and year and they do add up to bigger results. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

    As a matter of fact, I just moved my blog to WordPress and am painstakingly fixing hundreds of images, many are blurry and/or without a featured image. If you have any suggestions or advice, I’d greatly appreciate it. 🙂


    1. Congrats on making the move Heather. That’s a huge win!

      It’s tough to say with the WordPress issues. So many possibilities for errors with plugins and code. :/

  2. “We think about it. We talk about it. We tell people that we’re going to do it. But we don’t.” sounds as if you were talking about me procrastinating about my blog ^^ On the other hand, I’m utterly convinced of the importance of baby steps to make any progress…Thanks for this kindly reminder ^^

  3. Love this! It makes me feel as if all the little things I do all day, every day actually matter! Thanks for the reassurance 🙂

  4. Thanks for reminding. Yes, you right.. starting is always the hardest things, but once we start, it’s nice to know we already did something 🙂